Award-winning journalist, Alex Newman, founder of, Senior Editor of The New American and author of the book, ‘Deep State’ joins Greg Hunter on to talk about how the Globalists need to destroy America

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Vaccines The Elephant in The Room

Phenomenal presentation of THE TRUTH and THE FACTS that everyone needs to see.

Show to anyone still thinking about the Covid vaccine or boosters!


watch the water

The plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did Covid really spread. At the end of this video the Fortune Cookie reveals “Bing Liu” to understand  (unless your a Covid 19 research expert) – please see this link –

The Truth About Ukraine

Lara Logan - Urkraine

Award-winning journalist Lara Logan is a true journalist had has devoted her long career to telling the unbiased truth. A star correspondent at CBS News for her war coverage in Iraq and Afghanistan she understands war and what and who influences  it.

Justin Trudeau invokes Emergencies Act against peaceful truckers’ rebellion

Canada's Attack On Liberty

Dear Canadians that are against the mandates, here is a list of the top corporate manufacturers in Canada. If you are a trucker, warehouse worker, or office worker for these companies you may want to get together with other workers and start organizing massive multi day walkouts to cause closures of these globalist corporations. Trudeau’s emergency powers can’t force people to work if they choose not to. You may also want to view the top 5 Canadian banks. If you have holdings in any of them you may want to take your money out of these banks and put it in a smaller community bank. If Trudeau tries to prevent people from withdrawing their money, he will have hell to pay By The People of Canada! Many of the CEO’s from these corporations and banks are with the World Economic Forum and International Monetary Fund. They are the ones responsible for financing and organizing the pandemic hoax. Why? Because tyranny doesn’t end until it’s defeated! Better corporate closures, than corporate mandates! Link of top Canadian corporations Top 5 banks in Canada